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Gone Outback


Every artist dreams of having their own studio space. Well, I did, that's for sure. I dreamt of waking up every day and heading off to my studio with its easel waiting and tiurning on my music and just painting. I was blessed to have the Moreton Bay studio hub experience and I guess that started the idea. We lived in Caboolture and we had turned our garage into my studio, and it was awesome. It had a studio hanging wall and everything. Then I entered in and made it into the finals of the John Villiers art prize and we took a long trip out west, On our way back, a fellow artist said we should stop at Tambo and go and take a look at the amazing gallery there. I made mention to someone at the pub that night that I would love a studio in Tambo and by the time Chris and I made it back to Brisbane we were owners of 4 Star St in Tambo and the studio was born.

The idea was to just visit it and paint in the cool months and then head back to Brisbane in the hotter months but Tambo captured us in her spell. The name Tambo comes from an Indigenous Australian word, meaning hidden place, or "resting place, fish, shady waters, hidden waters, and a secluded spot. It is truth in advertising. It is all those things but what really made us fall in love with the town are the people. People that have created community. If you need someones help, there is a hand ready. If you are feeling down, the community will pick you up.It was this that really made us decide to make the big move, sell the house and buy the 4WD.

I have my studio and Chris has an office that overlooks the river and the incredible wildlife and man oh man, the landscape to paint. Breathtakingly beautiful! We also bought a little cottage that is an artist retreat for creatives that want to break away from the hectic and take a breath. It also overlooks that river. More to come on that.

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